David Lowe Italian landscapes

"Eloquence is not as good as silence."
—Chuang Tzu

I have been asked to say something about which I don’t believe.
The repetition arises from a psychological need; not a conceptual stance.
I’m interested in a deep illusionistic space. Break the plane.
I regard repetition like number theory. Endless theory and study can be achieved through repetition and study of repeated images; similar to the study of the whole positive integers. The more one restricts the variables and parameters, in a strange way, it increases the possibilities.
I like to keep a psychological distance. Perhaps, removing the image from the edge of the surface helps. Just like a deep illusionistic space.
I do like the images I use. The Italian landscape is near the old Etruscan city of Vulci. The water image is from a series of water paintings (12), by Ma Yuan, done for the empress Yang in 1222. I like old things.
Thucydides is reality and Chuang Tzu is the cure. Hobbes summarized life as “short, nasty and brutish.”
To not be social. To be as far away from things as possible, but still be connected.
Farming is foundational and water is the key. As Septimius Severus said, “forget the rest.”
Non sequitur is the means.